AWS - EC2-FrmCloudGuru

EC2 instance pricing options

  1. Virtual machines on cloud provision in minutes through web portal.
  2. EC2 standard instances charges by hour in windows/Linux and in seconds also for linux.
  3. Reserved instances for known need that will arise for short term.
  4. Spot instances are available for bidding from a pool of available instances..
  5. Dedicated hosts are physical server dedicated for your use.

EC2 standard (OnDemand)

  1. For application implementation with low cost and leveraging cloud flexibility. Pay as you go. 
  2. Application that should not be interrupted.
  3. Application being developed or tested on EC2 for the first time.
  4. No upfront payment.

Reserved instance

  1. For application with steady usage or predictable usage.
  2. That need reserved capacity at certain points of time.
  3. Upfront payment to reduce total cost of computing.
    1. Standard RI's (up to 75% of on demand)
    2. Convertible RI's (up to 54% of on demand)
    3. Scheduled RI's

Spot instances

  1. For applications that have flexible start and end times.
  2. Applications that are only feasible at very low compute prices.
  3. Users with urgent computing need with large amount of capacity.
  4. If you terminate before an hour, you pay for an hour.
  5. If AWS terminate, you get it for free.

Dedicated instances

  1. Useful for regulatory requirements which does not support multi tenant virtualisation.
  2. Great for licensing which does not support licensing.
  3. Can be purchased as On demand, Reserved 

EC2 instance type

D, R, M, C, G, I, F, T, P, X -> Dr X I C MF GPT
